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Unit 5:

Chronic Disease Prevention and Management

Akande, V. O., Hendriks, A. M., Ruiter, R. A., & Kremers, S. P. (2015). Determinants of dietary behavior and physical activity among Canadian Inuit: A systematic review. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 12(1).

  • This paper is a systematic review done to identify relevant articles on Inuit dietary behaviours and physical activity. The goal of this paper is to review factors that influence dietary and physical activity behaviours to guide health promotion interventions.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, January 18). The social-ecological model: A framework for prevention violence prevention injury Center CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved March 7, 2022, from

  • This webpage outlines and explains in brief what a Social-Ecological Model and its use in understanding factors to come up with a plan for prevention. It shows the complex interplay between, individual, relationship, community and societal factors.


A condensed timeline of events - first nations healing. (2002). Retrieved March 1, 2022, from

  • This resource outlines the important historical events of First Nations communities. It provides the cultural context in understanding healing in the First Nations' stand-point.


Hopping, B. N., Erber, E., Beck, L., De Roose, E., & Sharma, S. (2010). Inuvialuit adults in the Canadian Arctic have a high body mass index and self-reported physical activity. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 23, 115–119.

  • Inuvialuit, a specific Inuit group in Arctic Canada are undergoing nutrition and lifestyle transitions leading to different kinds of lifestyle-related chronic diseases. It is a cross-sectional survey investigating current Physical Activity and BMI status.


Hopping, B. N., Erber, E., Mead, E., Roache, C., & Sharma, S. (2010). High levels of physical activity and obesity co-exist amongst Inuit adults in Arctic Canada. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 23, 110–114.

  • Inuit in Arctic Canada are undergoing nutrition and lifestyle transitions leading to different kinds of lifestyle-related chronic diseases. It is a cross-sectional survey investigating current Physical Activity and BMI status.


Sharma, S. (2010). Assessing diet and lifestyle in the Canadian Arctic Inuit and Inuvialuit to inform a nutrition and Physical Activity Intervention Programme. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 23, 5–17.

  • Obesity and risk for chronic disease are higher in the Canadian Arctic population compared with the Canadian national average. This paper investigated the nutrition, physical activity levels, chronic disease prevalence and psychosocial factors that influence these behaviours.


Willows, N. D., Hanley, A. J. G., & Delormier, T. (2012). A socioecological framework to understand weight-related issues in Aboriginal children in Canada. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 37(1), 1–13.

  • A socio-ecological approach to addressing childhood obesity in Aboriginal populations means focusing on the environment (e.g. socio-cultural, family & community environments). This paper calls for more research on understanding and measuring obesogenic Aboriginal environments.


World Health Organization. (2013). Social Determinants of Health: Key Concepts. World Health Organization. Retrieved March 1, 2022, from

  • This website contains key concepts regarding Social Determinants of Health. It includes information on the drivers of health inequities, social gradient and health equity in all policies and primary health care.

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